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It’s Fall Y’all Halloween Shirt

It’s Fall Y’all Halloween Shirt, Hoodie, Longsleeve Tee, And Sweater

It’s Fall Y’all Halloween Shirt! For generations, Latinos have satisfied the longing of those left behind by defying the distance created by migration. Handwritten postcards fly on the wall, faxes outstrip buses, phone calls are cheaper than planes. And then, with the explosion of technology, the explosion of clicks. For years, Latinos tended to own smartphones and spend more time on social media than anyone else. But it's not just a love story anymore. The Internet has turned into a double-edged sword for Latinos. It both saves and kills us. At the height of the pandemic, Latinos were 57% more likely to use social media as a primary source of information about COVID-19 than non-Latinos, according to Nielsen. That dependence and emotional vulnerability is a source of misinformation that slowly exploits users' deepest anxieties. We saw it in the 2020 election when Latino voters in South Florida were flooded with false messages that equated Joe Biden with a Communist, weaponizing the vulnerabilities of runners. escape authoritarianism. We are currently looking at the same pamphlet: Our Connection Lifecycle has turned into a reservoir of vaccine misinformation. Then it can have expense slips; Now, misinformation is costing lives.

Less than a year ago, Latinos died from COVID-19 at a rate higher than their population rate in 19 states around the country. Not surprisingly, a recent Pew study found that at least 50% of Latinos in the United States know someone who has been hospitalized or has died from the virus. And still, too many Latinos choose not to get vaccinated. It became an instinct to blame the unvaccinated for the pandemic. It’s Fall Y’all Halloween Shirt! However, big technology has fostered an environment for Hispanic Latinos to become the perfect victims of online misinformation. We know that misinformation and misinformation are not well monitored when it's in English but the reality is, it's virtually nonexistent in Spanish. According to the nonprofit Avaaz, Facebook flags only 30% of misinformation in Spanish, compared with 70% in English. Misinformation in Spanish may remain posted for a longer period of time in English before being taken down. Those seconds, hours, and days add up. As Voto Latino found in a survey conducted in April, 40% of Latinos reported seeing content that made them think vaccines were "not safe or effective". At the time, the Delta variant represented 0.1% of cases in the United States. Today it represents 93% of all new cases,
It’s Fall Y’all Halloween Shirt Reviewed by trendingtees on tháng 9 24, 2021 Rating: 5
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Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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