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Official Unicorn Warrior Culture Gear So Savage T-shirt

Official Unicorn Warrior Culture Gear So Savage T-shirt, Hoodie, Longsleeve Tee, And Sweater

Official Unicorn Warrior Culture Gear So Savage T-shirt! The classic VW bug rolls over the hill, piloted by a make-up man in a granny suit and straw hat. “Good evening,” he said as he paused. “Do you like to walk? I'm Antonio, the owner here. "My husband and I had been to Reschio a few hours earlier, the 3,700-acre estate with several dozen refurbished villas and a millennium mansion that, as of May, has been converted into a hotel: Castello di Reschio We were walking down the gravel road, it felt as if we had been dropped into a Perugino landscape, surrounded by olive trees, sun-drenched fields and a carpet of tobacco trees. verdant nestled below in the Niccone valley below, a land where Tuscany meets Umbria We assure Antonio: We are thoroughly enjoying ourselves. He nodded, saying he would meet them. A few minutes later, a cyclist in a T-shirt is running up the hill, CC Music Factory is pumping air from a speaker attached to his handlebars Old meet new at Reschio, a place where you can feel the weight of centuries in the solid stone ramparts and resist the most modern conveniences. The man behind it all, says, “I always try to step back to the next day,” to recapture the old-world glitz of a bygone era. ” Benedikt, officially Count of Bolza (his Austro-Hungarian title), was the son of Antonio. He grew up on the property and is the architect of the hotel. His parents bought a small plot of land on the larger Reschio estate in the 1980s, and each year they would ask the family that owned the castle (and the thousands of acres around it) for a little more land.

Finally, an agreement was signed: Bolzas would buy the entire plot. Very quickly, the family found themselves the owners of thousands of acres of farmland, 50 ruined farms, a tobacco barn, and a castle. In 1999, Benedikt officially joined the effort and became the main restorer of the villas, a few of which had to be demolished in time to keep the business running. “We needed to sell an idea,” says Benedikt, “a beautiful ruin that we will turn into something livable and that we promise to take care of.” Step by step, Benedikt tackled run-down houses, many of which had only water and electricity in the 1970s. While his own home was under construction, Benedikt and his wife, Official Unicorn Warrior Culture Gear So Savage T-shirt!  Mencia - she initially came to Reshcio with as a hired painter l'oeil trompe - moved to the castle, where they had five children. “As my wife always says,” he wittily told me, “we don't have a TV. “It is not surprising that the recently remodeled castle is not precisely equipped for modern living; The Bolzas family added heating but depended on a giant fireplace. There are a lot of leaks. But Benedikt's memories of his time are memorable: Like the Renaissance sentinels, they would watch the school bus run up the hill in the morning, a signal that the children needed to be at the gate. castle to pick up in minutes. (In recent years, the family has moved into one of the nearby villas.) And the family's time in the ancient structure has sown the seeds: The castle should become a hotel.

Official Unicorn Warrior Culture Gear So Savage T-shirt Reviewed by trendingtees on tháng 9 27, 2021 Rating: 5
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