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Skull I’ll Tell You What’s Wrong With Society No One Drinks From The Skulls Of Their Enemies Anymore Shirt

Skull I’ll Tell You What’s Wrong With Society No One Drinks From The Skulls Of Their Enemies Anymore Shirt, Hoodie, Longsleeve Tee, And Sweater, Hoodie, Longsleeve Tee, And Sweater

Skull I’ll Tell You What’s Wrong With Society No One Drinks From The Skulls Of Their Enemies Anymore Shirt! There are two things you need to know about the French brand Vuarnet, famous for its eyewear. First: It is pronounced Vu-ar-net. Monday: It just announced that it is hiring young Parisian designer Boramy Viguier as art director. This is interesting for a number of reasons, but mainly because it's one of those unexpected combinations in an understatement here that on closer inspection warrants a resounding like. I mean, consider this: Vuarnet has long been an icon of French piste glam; if Alain Delon were a pair of aviator-style sunglasses designed to handle the light of a snowy peak, he would be Vuarnet. Viguier, meanwhile, has amassed a following for his street sportswear, which he elevates with his imagination. “There is a degree of nostalgia [with Vuarnet],” says Viguier. “Everybody in France has an emotional bond [with it], from wearing its sunglasses on the ski slopes.” However, it's not looking into the past through the rose-tinted glasses that drew him to sign up for the role six months ago. It's a distinctive blend of futurism - founder Jean Vuarnet, Olympic gold medal-winning skier, created the former Avoriaz resort with a group of young architects - and enduring principles of sustainability and prioritizing local production. “I might be getting closer to sex, just because it seems the opposite of self-pity.” Rick Owens on Today’s Good Morning Vogue. 

In the past, Vuarnet lenses are an increasingly rare example of their construction being made of minerals, rather than plastic; Even the sand used to make lenses is of French origin. As for the latter, Vuarnet's headquarters are in Paris, while its factory is located in the nearby suburb of Meaux. All of this goes well with Vigier, whose private label appreciates being as conscious as possible about its mark; Once, he told me, the best way for him to work was to use fabrics that he could find within walking distance of his studio. (For example, the jacquard panties in the movie are created from recycled cotton.) However, what excites him about this new role (which he will do as he continues with his own line) is continuing to satisfy his desire to do something almost otherworldly. Skull I’ll Tell You What’s Wrong With Society No One Drinks From The Skulls Of Their Enemies Anymore Shirt!  with Vuongrnet. The idea of ​​​​the mysteries of nature, the geographical topography, the feeling of the elemental forces - all these would also become factors in his vision for Vuarnet. Take a look at the clothing patch symbol in the movie, with a tarot card style depicting a mountain top. “I had this idea of ​​something spiritual and mystical [for the brand] but I didn’t want to scare anyone off,” he says with a laugh. “But I wanted to capture the idea of ​​seeing mountains in a different way; almost a sacred and spiritual journey. It doesn't look like a couture house," he continued, "but Vuarnet has its own heritage, it just comes from the mountains - not the tailor".

Skull I’ll Tell You What’s Wrong With Society No One Drinks From The Skulls Of Their Enemies Anymore Shirt Reviewed by trendingtees on tháng 9 24, 2021 Rating: 5
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