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That's what always makes you an actor. I think the other thing that I find interesting is the idea of Adam and Eve and the snake, and how snakes have always been associated with evil or something otherworldly, whether it's The Jungle Book or the otherworldly things. The Parseltongue-speaking wizard in Harry Potter. Nice vintage Flag American Proud Wife U.S. Army Veteran Wife Of A Veteran Shirt! You asked me earlier how well I know Catherine de Medici, and through doing this I realized that actually, we all know Catherine de' Medici, because she was imbued with literature. massification forever. When you think about Disney, Snow White, and the magic mirror, it's a myth that begins with Catherine inviting Nostradamus to court. She talks to her inner self through a mirror. It's part of our society today as a form of therapy and counseling, looking in the mirror and repeating these affirmations like It's going to be a good day and all the rest.