Official Noah And Cheetah Friendship T-shirt
Official Noah And Cheetah Friendship T-shirt, Hoodie, Longsleeve tee, And Sweater
Official Noah And Cheetah Friendship T-shirt! There is a big transformation coming,” Hughes told me. It's mid-May and we're in her Brooklyn studio, a seven-minute walk from the townhouse. “I'm not sure about anything that I feel very good about at the moment.” Although she doesn't know exactly what her post-landscape work will look like, she has a lot of ideas. "I'm thinking tapestries or mosaics, doing more public things that will take you out of this world and into another." The huge outdoor mural she designed in 2018 across from Boston's South Station opened up other possibilities for her. “I am thinking outside the display case. I don't push for change because I think it will come naturally when it's needed." The main thing about Hughes' work is that she never draws from life. She said: “My work is more about painting than nature. After graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2004, Hughes spent the next 10 years painting interiors in heavily iconic tones, but without people, except for a brief period at the end of her interior phase. “It felt too narrative and placed too much responsibility on the character rather than the whole picture, which is what I was most interested in,” Hughes told me. “Images appear and immediately talk about gender, age, and skin color. The drawing owns the painting.