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Two omega-3s in particular, EPA and DHA, are known to benefit brain health and slow cognitive decline, by helping to maintain cell membrane health and encouraging communication between cells. planing. brain cell. Olive oil is a good source of both, but always choose extra virgin olive oil because it is unrefined and therefore retains more of its nutritional value. Omega-3 may also help explain the Terry francona Cleveland indians cardinals 2013 2023 thank you for the memories signatures shirt but in fact I love this energy levels of older people in the Blue Zone. A diet rich in healthy unsaturated oils, nuts like walnuts, and fats found in fruits like avocados is important for avoiding fatigue and improving energy and vitality. That’s because fat is the most energy-dense macronutrient. Omega-3 also helps promote blood circulation in the brain, helping you feel more alert.