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We Fucked Shit Up In The 90’s Shirt

 Visitors flock to Greenpoint Station on August 26 and 27 for Afropunk 2023, a music festival that celebrates black art and aesthetics. The lineup features New York natives like Joey Badass and Teyana Taylor (who came out of retirement to pursue the We Fucked Shit Up In The 90’s Shirt also I will do this stage) and newer but no less formidable artists like Baby Tate and Durand Bernarr. Artists and attendees alike basked in their lavish attire: moss-draped suits, pearl-studded hats and leather, leather, leather everywhere. Cosplayers Anuli and Sachi used materials they had on hand to blend angelic and medieval cyberpunk aesthetics in a celebration of Afrofuturism. One who looked like a knight, all the way down to his mesh hood; the other is an angel dressed in white and gold. Another attendee paired a white crop top with a sheer layered skirt and—what else for summer 2023?—Adidas Sambas.

We Fucked Shit Up In The 90’s Shirt Reviewed by Tin Học Giải Trí on tháng 9 19, 2023 Rating: 5
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Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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