Official Love Grinch Grandmalife Christmas T-shirt
Official Love Grinch Grandmalife Christmas T-shirt, Hoodie, Longsleeve Tee, And Sweater
Official Love Grinch Grandmalife Christmas T-shirt! To be clear, Britney Spears is not “everywoman.” She is a 41-year-old pop star with a fortune of $70 million who counts Donatella Versace and Paris Hilton among her closest friends. But our treatment of her hurt all of us, and there are lessons to be learned from The Woman In Me, lessons we should be ashamed of for taking so long to learn. internalize if, in fact, we have internalized them. Much has been said that bad things for women are sometimes due to the women who made them so terrible in the first place but a big part of me wonders if the 2020s will be good any better, wondering if Britney is okay. even really out of the woods. Eighteen months ago, an internet rumor spread that Spears was related to. Marilyn Monroe. If some of the questionable threads on Quora are to be believed, they are ninth cousins, three times removed. And, yes, there are similarities - peroxide, tragically bad parents, worse husband - but there are also differences, the most important of which is the fact that Britney did not, by a miracle.