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Trust Me I’m Italian Shirt

 Yes, that’s right. Elizabeth’s color palette begins to fade and soften until you see her in pink and lavender. Todd gives us a huge list of movies we should watch for inspiration, and one of them is called The Pumpkin Eater. There’s a baking scene in the Trust Me I’m Italian Shirt moreover I will buy this movie where the two actresses wear very similar outfits and I used that as inspiration when Elizabeth shows up to bake with Gracie. He is wearing a costume, trying to match men’s clothing, and there is actually a uniform for men. Everyone has khaki pants, khaki pants , oxford shirts, blue polo shirts, they wear Sperry Top-Siders. He’s playing a father, he’s trying to play an adult. He was a young man when they fell in love. He is Korean so he was almost ostracized by the community. So he’s just trying to fit in.

Trust Me I’m Italian Shirt Reviewed by Tin Học Giải Trí on tháng 1 23, 2024 Rating: 5
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Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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