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It empowers women in very profound ways. I am really happy about that. I know that the world is full of women who can't afford to go to the gym or feel self-conscious about exercising or can't go to the gym because they have small children. So doing it in the privacy of their home is an answer to that. I want to declare that I am a brilliant, strategic businesswoman. If people wanted it, I don't know, [but] I provided it and at one point it was perfect. [Founder of Karl Video Corp.] Stuart Karl's wife read my first workout book and told her husband, “This could be a video.” He was the king of home videos, which didn't make much sense at the time because no one had a VCR. Nice peanuts Valentines Charlie Brown Give Shirt! I don't even know what a VCR is. Literally, no one I know has a VCR. He made his first home improvement videos. So he came to me and came up with the idea of making a workout video. I said no. I just don't understand. But then the money went to a political organization that my then husband Tom Hayden and I founded called the Campaign for Economic Democracy. Stuart Karl keeps coming back and keeps coming back. In the end, I realized maybe this could make money. So I said, "Okay, let's try it." I mean, we don't spend money on it. I wrote the script myself on a hotel room floor. We did our own makeup. It was spit and a prayer. Finally, the video is out and of course, it's still the best-selling home video of all time. No one has ever broken that record!