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The Blue Art Zatch Bell T-shirt

The Blue Art Zatch Bell T-shirt, Hoodie, Longsleeve Tee, And Sweat Shirt

The Blue Art Zatch Bell T-shirt and Working in groups, students have two weeks to explore the variables they find most interesting. Kejing Hu MSBA '24, a graduate of Bentley's Master of Business Analytics program, and teammate Carol Yu MSBA '24 started by organizing the data. She explains that we have grouped the survey questions into separate categories, such as personal information, opinions about the social impact of businesses, and the effect of social impact on behavior. en purchase. Hu and Yu were particularly intrigued by a survey question that asked respondents whether they would be willing to pay more for a plain t-shirt if they knew it was made by a company committed to its responsibility. corporate social responsibility (CSR) or not, and if so, additional conditions specifying the amount that they are willing to pay. This is the only question that asks respondents about the actual choices they would make as consumers, Hu noted, and thus offers important data points for exploring the tangible impact of CSR on consumer behavior. For example, the official Force for Good survey report shows that 63% of respondents are willing to pay more for a t-shirt from a company known for having a positive impact on the environment, with $7 .00 being the highest average premium they've paid.
In addition to the company's impact on the environment, the survey also asked respondents to say how much they prioritized three other examples of CSR having a positive impact on local communities; treating employees well; and contributing to charities and it was here that Hu and Yu decided to focus their analytical efforts. The couple, Hu said, was delighted to discover that even if survey respondents rate a particular CSR action as not important at all, they are still willing to pay the fee. For example, of the 8% of respondents who rated a positive community impact as unimportant, 34% were willing to pay up to 60% more than the average t-shirt price. The finding really highlights the complex nature of consumer behavior, Hu said and underscores the importance of businesses in discovering how they can leverage their social impact to increase sales. both profitability and consumer loyalty and The Blue Art Zatch Bell T-shirt! Hahn and teammates Matheus Silva Jenno '23, CIS major, and Will Malone '23 major, Data Analytics major and Public Policy major, were similarly drawn to the Austrian survey question. font. Specifically, Hahn said, we wanted to see if there was a correlation between an individual's political views and the additional amount they were willing to pay for a socially responsible product. After examining each respondent's political views as very liberal, liberal, moderate, conservative, and very conservative, they discovered a different trend, Hahn said: People in The very liberal US are willing to spend twice as much as their very conservative counterparts.
The Blue Art Zatch Bell T-shirt Reviewed by trendingtees on tháng 6 28, 2023 Rating: 5
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